Thursday, January 8, 2009

New testing Ground for Israel`s Weaponry

Contrary to the international law, Israel is using unconventional weaponry on civilian's population. They are clear evidence that the Israeli forces are not only using cluster bombs and phosphorus shell, but they are testing a new type of very high explosive weaponry similar to DIME(Dense Inert Metal Explosive). The American version is still at the testing stage and had apparently not been used on the battlefield yet. The Israel version is over the testing stages, and the poor civilian's population of Gaza is used for the field test. 
This new weaponry is made of a tungsten alloy; it produces lower pressure but increased impulse in the near field with a lethal footprint tuned to precision. Physicians in the Gaza Strip reported abnormally serious physical injuries: an unusual pattern of wounds, severed body parts showing signs of severe heat at the point of amputation but no metal shrapnel.
Although at this time this kind of weaponry is not yet declared illegal, it is highly carcinogenic and highly armful to the environment. If the Palestinians of Gaza survive the enormous power and strength of this new king of explosive, they will develop a cancer effect, more than a probable risque of cancer.
It is all happening in Gaza now, the genocide of the Palestinian population of  Gaza by the Jewish state, with the full support, approval, and benediction of the American government. It doesn't matter to them if it against the so called international law, against the international community, against humanity, and very much against what it means to be a descent person.
Civilian population; innocent men, women, and child shouldn't be treated like this, did we learn anything from history.

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