Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A City Under Siege

The Israeli air strikes continue their pounding on the forty kilometers long by eight kilometers wide that forms the Gaza Strip. More than 390 palestinians killed, and over 1,900 people wounded including women and children since Saturday for four israelis killed by Hamas rocket fire.
Hundreds of families in the Gaza Strip are suffering, not only from the continued Israelis air strikes or the Israelis snipers in the watch towers surrounding Gaza on the south and the east, but also by the blockade, the lack of electricity, the lack of water, and the lack of food supplies, the lack of a normal life.
With the every day growing number of air strikes since it started the number of dead and wounded Palestinians is also growing at an alarming rate every day, but the Israelis still won't stop to allow humanitarian aid into the Hamas ruled Palestinian territory. The israelis actions are condemned by the international community, but not by the American. The American government is so heavily bias, in favor of Israel to a point that no one can comprehend, America is closing her eyes to the dreadful punishment that they have enable Israel to inflict on the defenseless poeple of the Gaza Strip. With the American aid, Israel is clearly inflicting a Nuremberg's kind of crimes against the Palestinian people, exactly what the Nazi did to the Jew and what they were condemned for. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CHANGE ???, What change ?

The facts are evident with the way the elected American President is choosing the members of his administration; no changes can be expected on the policy toward the Middle East. 
The rhetoric about Iran building the nuclear bomb, Iran is stronger than ever, and Iran has to be stopped are back on the table and stronger than ever even if  there is no new evidence to support it. It doesn't matter to them that Iran has been cleared by the international nuclear watch dogs, the president there is a bad person, and apparently doesn't acknowledge the holocaust. The Iranian president is just a figure head; he has no power actually, and no matter what he may have said the Ayatollah leads the country. This "still under construction administration" are repeating the myth that the Iranian president wants to wipe Israel, the only American friend in the Middle East, out of the map, which was never said. However the only American friend in the Middle East is literally wiping out another country from the map in that same part of the world and nothing is done to stop it.  This American friend is using the world settlement for racial colonization, houses are demolished, people are quick out of their land, and new houses are built for the new the settlers. Town and cities are built like that for one ethnicity or a race and only one, no one else is allowed. Because of that six millions people are forced to live for ever as refugees and because of their non existent economy they have no choice but to allow themselves to be used as a basic cheap slave labor.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

global free market capitalism

Start of the end

The Americans know how has finally led everybody to the precipice.
The Americans led globalization is crashing all the healthy value and guidance that steered the evolution. 
The globalization is killing the unique and the diversity, it doesn't possess anything that would satisfy its non existing conscience and justify its reason to exist.
The globalization discard of vital value necessary to a healthy development and real progress is sign that the complete annihilation of the human race start to hang over our heads.
Globalization conflicts with the nature's principles and needs make it become infertile to such extend that its destroying everything it touch. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

The American Dream is not the only Dream

In a perfect

Hey finally, the American made the better choice, but this can't solve everything. I don't thing the elected president can or have the will to solve the complex and more troubling legacy left by the present and past colonialism.
They may have chosen the better person to call for an end of the occupation in Iraq, but how about the occupation in Palestine.
They may have elected the first black president, to show the world that racism is a thing of the past in America, but how about all the people that are single out in airport line up, border crossings, and government buildings just because of the color of their skin or because of their native tang.
They have chosen the most liberal candidate, but what can he do against the post 911 psycho mania used by the leaving government to make the occupation of  sovereign country, the oppression of populations, the attack on sovereign lands, and the preemptive arrest or rendition of peoples all around the world more accepted by main stream even if it's against the international law. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday was the Vancouver Media Democracy Day, it included a series of exciting panels, workshops and speakers. It was a day of action based on understanding how the media shape our world and our "democracy", a call for media reform; more divers representation and more accountability, and finally a day of protest against a media system based on commercialization and the strongest.
the media day was concluded by a day after party that included the Vancouver premiere of a documentary "Ground noise & static" at the Vivo visual art center in downtown.
Aside from this blog I'm not in the media, but I was lucky to have a friend whose curiosity was also picked by the documentary's title, and I was able to go with him to downtown.
I liked the documentary but the Q&A period was cut short and the best question of the night was left unanswered. Somebody asked; what's the next step for activists ?. I personally find her question interesting as we dedicated our time and the little bit of money that we have to make ourself heard. We invest ourself in fighting for what look and seem to be the right thing for us and for the coming generations, but nobody is listening. We stand for our believes, we get gazed and assaulted by the cops every time and end up back at the same starting point with no change, solution or answer, it's like pouring water in the sand. Saturday night , I 'm too waited for an answer, as I'm getting more and more tired looking for that light that I may never see shining.
But overhaul it was a good night, met some interesting people and watch an eye opening documentary.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unity for all

Salam Brothers!  I am Driss and this is my blog called El Wahda.  El Wahda is Arabic for unity.  I wish to talk about my views and opinions and invite you to do the same.  My journeys have taken me to many countires and met many wonderful people.  For the first time in a long while I am able to collect my thoughts.  This is my first time blogging so please be patient I am learning...

