Friday, November 7, 2008

The American Dream is not the only Dream

In a perfect

Hey finally, the American made the better choice, but this can't solve everything. I don't thing the elected president can or have the will to solve the complex and more troubling legacy left by the present and past colonialism.
They may have chosen the better person to call for an end of the occupation in Iraq, but how about the occupation in Palestine.
They may have elected the first black president, to show the world that racism is a thing of the past in America, but how about all the people that are single out in airport line up, border crossings, and government buildings just because of the color of their skin or because of their native tang.
They have chosen the most liberal candidate, but what can he do against the post 911 psycho mania used by the leaving government to make the occupation of  sovereign country, the oppression of populations, the attack on sovereign lands, and the preemptive arrest or rendition of peoples all around the world more accepted by main stream even if it's against the international law. 

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